To stream NBAC videos with your Apple TV device, you can use Apple AirPlay. Equipment needed for Apple AirPlay includes:
- TV with HDMI ports
- HDMI cable
- Apple TV (generation 2, 3, or 4)
- An Apple device (tablet, laptop, iPhone etc.)
First connect your Apple TV to your television with an HDMI cable. Then, on your Apple device, select the AirPlay icon on the menu bar. Under “Connect to AirPlay Display,” choose your Apple TV. The AirPlay icon will turn blue, and your desktop or screen will be displayed on your television. Start your video, and click on full screen mode to make the video larger on your TV. Now you’re ready to watch your video!
When you are finished and no longer want to use the AirPlay display, select the AirPlay icon again and click on “Disconnect AirPlay Display.” Or, you can press the menu button on your Apple TV remote. If you encounter any problems with AirPlay, you can visit Apple’s Support page for troubleshooting tips.