Leah Zahner

Lower Back Stretch with a Physioball

Leah Zahner
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Duration:   1  mins


Do you bowl with lower back problems? It’s hard to be fundamentally sound when you are uncomfortable. Improper technique and too heavy of a bowling ball can contribute to lower back problems while bowling.

Back pain is the leading cause of work-loss days, and eight percent of American adults experience persistent or chronic lower back pain, according to Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute.

Whether you sit a lot for your job or lift and carry heavy objects all day long, lower back pain can make your quality of life difficult. When you feel tightness in your lower back stretching with a physioball is a great way to help relieve that pressure.

In this premium video, Leah Zahner, Certified Personal Trainer (NASM) teaches you how to stretch your lower back with a physioball on the floor to improve your range of motion.

Step 1

With your back against the floor, place your arms to your side and rest your legs on the physioball.

Lower Back Stretch 1

Just getting into this position will release the spine’s natural curve and if you are experiencing lower back stiffness, you’ll feel an immediate difference.

Lower Back Stretch 2

Step 2

Roll the physio ball side-to-side while twisting with your legs. You’ll use the strength in your obliques and core to pull your knees back up to the starting position.

Lower Back Stretch 3

With every additional rep completed, you will gain more range of motion. While this exercise is geared to alleviate lower back stiffness, utilizing your core and obliques when returning to the starting position will help strengthen those areas.

For more exercises with a physioball, check out “Upper Back Stretch with a Physioball” and “Leg Lifts with a Physioball.”

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