Hip Flexor Stretch: Alleviating Tightness in Your Calves and Hips
Leah ZahnerDescription
- – PVC Pipe or a broom handle
- – Yoga mat (rolled up), towel, or swimming pool noodle
Step 1
Start by getting into a kneeling position with your knees both at 90º and your broom handle in hand.
Step 2
Place the broom handle in front of your front foot.
Step 3
Keeping everything connected to the ground, especially your front foot, hinge forward and hold.
The further you stretch, the more you will feel it in both the front calf and rear hip flexor.
Step 4
Begin to rock forward and back. Do 15 of these and on the last stretch hold for 15 seconds before switching sides and repeating.
Take your time. It’s important to control both directions, try not to bounce or move too quickly through this stretch.
Incorporating this calf and hip flexor stretch will help avoid injury and improve your range of mobility. For another great stretch to add to your exercise routine, check out “Hamstring Stretch with a Box, Door or Wall,” and learn more bowling exercises from National Bowling Academy for increased success out on the lanes.
Sometimes you'll experience tightness in your calf muscles and your hip flexors. And you really want to take some time to alleviate that tightness by stretching both sets of those muscles. I'll be using my version of a PVC pipe, which is just a broom handle. You can use anything that's available to you. And I'm also using a mat rolled up, just to give me a little bit of cushion underneath my back knee.
The very first position that you'll hit is 90 degree bend in both of your knees. That's going to be how you set yourself up for this stretch. Then you'll reach, whatever you're using for support out slightly in front of your front foot. From here, you want to keep everything connected to the ground, especially your entire front foot, as you hinge forward. The further that you hinge, the more stretch you'll feel in your front calf and a lot of stretch in the back hip flexor.
As you find that position, that deepest bend forward, you can start to rock gently forward and back. Instead of bouncing, think about controlling both directions. Do about 15 of these and then, on the very last repetition, hold at your very deepest stretch for about 15 counts. Once you're done, come all the way up, reset for your second side, being sure to address any imbalances by working both legs.
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