How to Do a Reverse Lunge
Leah ZahnerThe reverse lunge is a fantastic leg exercise. It focuses on stretching the hamstrings while strengthening the core, glutes, and quads. You’ll notice more balance and stability throughout your approach when you add this exercise into your routine. It is an efficient exercise because it works multiple joints and muscle groups simultaneously.
Individually training each leg helps improve misalignment and imbalances you may have developed over time. This exercise requires a lot of maneuverability, so you’ll notice right away a larger range of motion in the hips after working this into your exercise routine. In this premium post, Leah Zahner, Certified Personal Trainer (NASM), demonstrates step-by-step the reverse lunge.
Step 1
Stand straight with your feet parallel, toes pointed forward and hip-width apart.
Step 2
Next, move your right leg back behind your body. Concurrently, you’ll bend your left knee while lowering your hips. When your left knee is at a 90º angle and your left thigh is parallel to the floor, stop and pause for a brief second.
Step 3
During the pause, slightly press into your left heel. This will squeeze your glutes and help get your body ready to stand up. Then, bring your right leg back to the starting position.
Do 10 reps on one leg or alternating legs. Whichever way you decide to do this exercise, make sure you do the same amount of reps to avoid imbalances. Some common mistakes to avoid are:
- Front leg passing 90º. Try to keep the front leg at 90º so that your knee doesn’t pass your toes. The likelihood of injury is higher if the front leg isn’t square to the floor.
- Shoulders moving forward or rounding your back. This can aggravate back injuries.
Check out Adding a Side Bend to the Lunge Workout and How to Do a Rotating Lunge for more great exercises geared towards improving your game.
Explore Videos by Leah Zahner
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