Scott Pohl

Using Plastic Bowling Balls for Spares

Scott Pohl
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Duration:   1  mins


Ask any competitive bowler out there what the most important ball in their bag is and you’ll hear over and over again, “my spare ball.”

Scott Pohl, owner of On Track Pro Shop, explains the necessity of having a plastic bowling ball for spares in your bag and how it will help you increase your average.

Shooting Spares with Your “Hook-Type” Bowling Ball

Likely you’re progressing in your game and you’re beginning to notice that you’re missing single pin spares because your ball is hooking right before it is supposed to hit the pin.

This is very frustrating. You’ve hit the target you’re aiming at and the result just isn’t there.

Plastic Bowling Ball for Spares

Take a look at shooting the 10 pin with a plastic spare ball:

Almost identical lines to the 10 pin between the two shots but different results. Why is that?

There are two main reasons the bowling balls are different: the outer surface, and the core. The outer surface of a hook-type bowling ball is designed to grab the lane and hook, whereas the outer surface of a plastic bowling ball is almost slippery and does not grab the lane as much.

The core inside hook-type bowling balls vary. Generally, they are bigger than a plastic ball and they are designed to make the bowling ball hook. A plastic ball has a small core, or none at all, limiting hook potential.

There are numerous plastic bowling balls for spares out there to choose from and performance is pretty much universal amongst them. This gives you an opportunity to personalize your plastic spare ball to your personality. It’s important to note that when you get your spare ball drilled that the fit is universal between all of your bowling balls. This will help you with your overall consistency and confidence when filling frames.

Want to learn how to pick up all of your spares with a plastic ball and the fourth arrow? Watch Developing a Spare System, and make sure you check out other premium videos from National Bowling Academy to help increase your average.

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