Warmups for Young Bowlers: Easy Exercises for Mobility
Hank BoomershineDescription
Essential warmups for young bowlers
More often that not, bowlers will show up to the alley and do a couple static stretches, such as shoulder pulls and touch-the-toes, and then start throwing the ball down the lane. Now, this may seem like a good thing, but this kind of stretching can be more damaging than helpful, because the muscles aren’t prepared for exertion. For proper preparation, Hank Boomershine is going to introduce a few warmups for young bowlers that get the blood pumping and the major muscles loosened.
With the help of a demonstrator, Hank shows you a handful of basic warmups for young bowlers that stretch out important muscles in the upper and lower body. You’ll learn how to utilize these basic exercises for youth bowling to help your kids avoid injury and be more successful on the lane from the very first throw. As mentioned above, warmups for young bowlers don’t have to take 20 minutes or get a major sweat going, they just need to get the body ready for exertion. This is a quick bowling warm-up that stretches the upper and lower body and will have your bowlers ready to go in just a couple minutes. Work these warmups for young bowlers into your next coaching session, and we guarantee your bowlers will be raring and ready to go!